Integrate ironSource Ads network interstitial with multiple instances for Unity

Before You Start
Make sure you have correctly integrated the ironSource Unity Plugin. Integration is outlined here.

Step 1. Implement the Interstitial Events

The ironSource Unity Plugin fires several events to inform you of ad availability. Under IronSource/Assets/Prefabs, you’ll find the IronSourceEventsPrefab. Add it to your project to receive these events.

Add the following code to register to the events:

void OnEnable () {
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdReadyDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdReadyDemandOnlyEvent;
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdLoadFailedDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdLoadFailedDemandOnlyEvent;		
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdShowSucceededDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdShowSucceededDemandOnlyEvent; 
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdShowFailedDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdShowFailedDemandOnlyEvent; 
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdClickedDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdClickedDemandOnlyEvent;
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdOpenedDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdOpenedDemandOnlyEvent;
	IronSourceEvents.onInterstitialAdClosedDemandOnlyEvent += InterstitialAdClosedDemandOnlyEvent;

The Plugin will notify the Listener of all possible events listed below:

void InterstitialAdReadyDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId)
    void InterstitialAdLoadFailedDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId, IronSourceError error)
    void InterstitialAdShowSucceededDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId)
    void InterstitialAdShowFailedDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId, IronSourceError error)
    void InterstitialAdClickedDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId)
    void InterstitialAdOpenedDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId)
    void InterstitialAdClosedDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId)
    void InterstitialAdRewardedDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId)
Note:  Note: Do not assume the callbacks are always running on the main thread. Any UI interaction or updates resulting from ironSource callbacks need to be passed to the main thread before executing.

Step 2. Load Interstitial Ad

We recommend requesting an Interstitial Ad a short while before you plan on showing it to your users as the loading process can take time. To request an interstitial ad, call the following method:

IronSource.Agent.loadISDemandOnlyInterstitial (INTERSTITIAL_INSTANCE_ID);
Note:  Note: If you’d like to serve several Interstitial Ads in your application, you must repeat this step after you’ve shown and closed the previous Interstitial Ad. Once the InterstitialAdClosedEvent function is fired, you will be able to load a new Interstitial ad.

Instance ID

Once you save the defined instances for the ironSource Ads network, we will generate an Instance ID for you. You can retrieve this ID by navigating to the App Settings window:


Here you’ll see the Instance ID:


Step 3. Check Ad Availability

After you’ve called the loadInterstitial in Step 2, you will be notified when the ad is loaded and ready to be shown to your user. The InterstitialAdReadyEvent will inform you about ad availability.

void InterstitialAdReadyDemandOnlyEvent (string instanceId){}

In addition, you have the possibility to request the ad availability directly by calling the following function:

IronSource.Agent.isISDemandOnlyInterstitialReady (INTERSTITIAL_INSTANCE_ID);
We don’t recommend making consecutive requests for an interstitial ad in a short timespan. Numerous requests in a short period of time have no added value as the chance of available inventory at this time is unlikely.

Step 4. Show Interstitial Ad

Once you receive the InterstitialAdReady callback, you are ready to show an Interstitial Ad to your users. Invoke the following method to serve an Interstitial ad to your users:

IronSource.Agent.showISDemandOnlyInterstitial (INTERSTITIAL_INSTANCE_ID);

With ironSource’s Ad Placements, you can customize and optimize the Interstitial experience. This tool enables you to present Interstitial ads to your users in different places, i.e. app launch, between levels, etc. You can use the below function to define the exact placement to show an ad from. Navigate to the Ad Placement document for more details.

IronSource.Agent.showISDemandOnlyInterstitial (INTERSTITIAL_INSTANCE_ID, PLACEMENT_NAME);

In addition to ironSource’s Ad Placements, you can now configure capping and pacing settings for selected placements. Capping and pacing improve the user experience in your app by limiting the number of ads served within a defined timeframe. Read more about capping and pacing here.

We recommend calling the following to verify if a placement is capped before you serve the Interstitial to your user:


Important! Once you’ve successfully completed step 4, you will have shown your user an Interstitial Ad. In the case you want to serve another Interstitial ad, you must repeat Step 2 to request an additional Interstitial.

 First Time Integration Tip

If this is a new integration for your application, your app will by default be in ‘Test Mode‘ on your ironSource dashboard. While your app is in Test Mode, the ironSource SDK will print more logs to the console in order to provide greater visibility into the SDK processes. To test your ad inventory, set up your Test Devices. Until you turn on live ad inventory, you will receive test campaigns that don’t generate revenue. Make sure to select Go Live! on the Ad Units page when your app is ready for live ad inventory.

You can now deliver ironSource Interstitial Ads through the Interstitial Mediation platform!

What’s Next?
Follow our integration guides to configure additional Ad Units: