AOL Integration Guide

This guide will instruct you step-by-step on how to set AOL live as an Ad Network on Unity LevelPlay. The integration process is completed in a few simple steps:

Before You Start
  • Make sure you have correctly integrated ironSource’s Interstitial into your application.
  • The OAL adapter requires Android version 4.1 and up (API level 16+).

Step 1. Create a AOL Account

Create an account with AOL by signing up here. You’ll have to provide your company and country.  AOL will verify your information and will send you a confirmation email once your account has been enabled.  Once your account has been verified, you can log in as a new customer here.

If you already have an account with this ad network, log into your dashboard here.

Step 2. Create an Application and Ad Zone in AOL

To gain access to AOL’s inventory within ironSource’s Mediation platform, you must first add your app and set up placements on your AOL account.

  1. New User: Add Your App and Placement
    1. Go to the main dashboard: in the left side menu, go to Dashboard Applications and Sites.
    2. In the ‘Applications and Sites‘ tab, click on the  ‘+‘ to add your app.
    3. Define your app’s platform and then fill in its name, URL, App Store ID, Domain as well as the relevant devices and app category.  Click ‘Save and Add Placement‘.
    4. Add Interstitial Placement: If you completed the above steps successfully, the below window will appear and you’ll need to define the following:
      1. Placement Type: Interstitial
      2. Placement Name: Enter a placement name that is intuitive for this placement
      3. Allowed Ad Formats: Leave Static Images and Video checked
      4. Ad Size: Keep the default size
        Note: Note: Reserve Placement ID for later use.
  2. Existing User: Add Placement to App  
    1. If you already added your app to AOL, define a placement for the app you’d like to serve AOL’s ads with through the ironSource. Go to the relevant app on the main dashboard (Dashboard Applications and Sites) and then in the far right column click on the set of dots and select ‘+Add Placement‘.
    2. The following popup will appear. Enter a name for this placement, select Interstitial and leave the boxes checked under Allowed Ad Formats and the default size under Ad Size. Then select ‘Save & Monetize‘.
      Note: Note: Reserve Placement ID for later use.


Step 3. Activate AOL on the ironSource SDK Networks Module

There are a few parameters from your AOL account which need to be inserted into your ironSource Network Setup Module in order for AOL to work correctly in connection with ironSource:

Company ID This is the unique identifier of your company in AOL’s system.
Access Key This is the unique identifier of your AOL account.
Secret Key This is the unique identifier that specifies the relationship between your account and the ad unit set up on the AOL dashboard.
Site/App ID This is the unique identifier of your application in AOL’s system.
Placement ID This is the unique placement to which AOL will deliver ads to through ironSource’s Mediation platform.

These are the parameters from the AOL dashboard that you’ll need to add to the ironSource platform in order to activate the ad network.

  1. Company ID, Access Key and Secret Key

    In the left menubar, go to Account Settings Reporting Credentials. You will find all three parameters on the Reporting Credentials page.


  2. Site/App ID & Placement ID

    On the left menu bar, go to Dashboard Applications and Sites.
    ironsource-mediation-millenial-media-1Click on relevant app and you will see the placement you configured to run with ironSource’s Mediation platform.
    Select the placement name and you will be directed to a page with the placement details.
    On the top of the page you will see the SiteID and on the left side, you will see the Placement ID.

Once you obtain this information, you must configure AOL’s parameters in your ironSource Account. By adding the above information correctly, you will be able to take full advantage of AOL’s ad inventory and reporting data on Unity LevelPlay.

  • Once you have all of these parameters, log in to your ironSource account and go to ‘Monetize‘ ➣ ‘Mediation‘ ➣ ‘SDK Networks
  • Select Millennial Media (AOL) from the list of Available Ad Networks and enter the ‘Company ID’, ‘Company Access Key‘ and ‘Secret Key‘. Click ‘Save‘.
  • Millennial Media (AOL) will then be enabled in the Available Ad Networks table.
  • Make sure to define the app on which you’d like to run ironSource’s Interstitial Mediation with AOL. Go to the Millennial Media row on the Setup list of Ad Networks and click on the ‘Define‘ icon.
  • Insert the Application/Site ID‘ and the ‘Placement ID in the relevant fields. Set status to Active and click ‘Save’.
  • You will then see Millennial Media (AOL) as Active for Interstitial on your Setup list.
  • New! Verify your integration with the Reporting API; this column will check your integration through the Reporting API and return three possible responses: Verified, Failed and No Response. Double check your integration and the information you entered above; then click ‘Retry‘ until you see ‘Verified’.

Step 4. Add the AOL Adapter to Your Build


 ironSource supports both Gradle dependencies and manual download mechanisms.


  1. Make sure the following Maven URL exist in your build.gradle script of your app module (should appear only once for all the adapters). Add the adapter’s Maven name to your build.gradle script of your app module.
    repositories {
         maven {
            url ""
  2. Add the adapter’s Maven name to your build.gradle script of your app module.
    dependencies {                                                                                          
    compile 'com.ironsource.adapters:millennialmediaadapter:3.2.0@jar'

Manual Download

  1. Download the AOL Adapter
    Add the AOL Adapter to your build. You can find the latest AOL Adapter here.
    Important! The AOL Adapter also contains the AOL jar. You don’t need to additionally add the AOL jar directly.
  2. Add the AOL Adapter to your Project
    After you download the adapter; drop the MillennialMediaAdapter jar into the libs folder in your Android Project.
  3. Add the following to your Gradle build file under the dependencies section
    compile files('libs/millennialmediaadapter:3.2.0@jar')

Step 5. Download the AOL .AAR file

  1. If using Eclipse: Import the .AAR file as a library project.
  2. If using Android Studio: Download the .AAR file and add as a dependency to your own module.
    In Android Studio go to File ➣ New ➣ New Module ➣ Import .AAR and navigate to the location where the  .AAR file has been downloaded.

Step 6. Update AndroidManifest.xml

Manifest Permissions

Add the following permissions before the <application> tag on your manifest:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission-sdk-23 android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>

Evaluate Your Ad Network Integration

  • Verify your ad network integration with our Integration Helper. The ironSource SDK provides a tool to ensure you’ve successfully integrated our SDK as well as any additional network adapters.
  • Manage the debug logs for your integrated mediation ad networks with this boolean

    When set to TRUE, this line of code will enable debug logs to help you troubleshoot issues with all of your mediation ad networks. Remove this code before your app goes live with our ad units! Supported for SDK versions 6.5.2 and up.

You are now all set to deliver AOL Ads within your application!

What’s Next?

To leverage additional ad networks through Unity LevelPlay, integrate the adapters and follow our integration guides.