Forgot Password

If you forgot the password to your Supersonic account, you can always reset it.

Note: Note: Please make sure the email you use to log in to your Supersonic account is up to date and available to you as you will need to log in to this email account to reset your password.

Step 1. Navigate to the Login Page

Navigate to the login page and click on ‘Forgot your password?‘.


Step 2. Enter Email to Reset Password

  1. Enter the email or username which you usually log in to Supersonic.Supersonic Reset Password Email
  2. We will send a reset link to your email.
    Supersonic Reset Help

Step 3. Reset Your Password

  1. Click on the link in the email sent to you to reset your password. It will send you to the below page on which you can enter a new password.
    Supersonic Reset PW
  2. Click ‘Save‘. You will then see the following message appear and can log in with your new password!
    Supersonic Password Reset Save