February News

ironSource is proud to announce new dashboard and product features for our developers! We are constantly working on new developments to improve our mobile monetization and promotion solutions.

New Premium Ad Inventory on the Mediation Platform

We’re excited to introduce ONE by AOL‘s Interstitials to the ironSource Mediation platform for iOS, Android and Unity as well as Chinese ad network, Domob, and their Rewarded Video inventory, exclusively for iOS.  In addition, you can now serve Admob‘s Rewarded Video for iOS, Android and Unity! Check out our Mediation Networks article to see the full list of ad networks supported on the ironSource Mediation platform!

Single Sign-in for Admob on the Mediation Platform

Serving Admob’s ads through the ironSource Mediation platform has never been this easy. Simply sign in to Google on the ironSource platform and we’ll retrieve all the necessary parameters to run Admob’s Interstitials and Rewarded Video for you! Follow our guide to integrate Admob in conjuction with ironSource Medation.


Additional Metrics in the Performance Reports

We’ve enriched our reporting capabilities with the following additional granular metrics:

  • Sessions: The sum of single periods of user interaction with your app (each SDK init generates a new session)
  • Engaged Sessions: The sum of sessions in which a user interacts with an ad
  • Impressions per Session: The average amount of ads served throughout a single session
  • Impressions per Engaged Session: The average amount of ad impressions during an engaged session
  • Sessions per Daily Active User: The average number of sessions generated by an active user on a daily basis